The Diabetes Self-Management Program helps support the knowledge and skills people learn from their health care providers and helps them put their diabetes care plan into action. The workshop does not conict with other programs or treatment and is designed to enhance regular treatment.
Workshop is open to is open to adults living with Type 2 Diabetes as well as their family, friends and/or caregivers.
You can learn how to:
- Use skills to manage diabetes and related symptoms day-to-day
- Prevent low blood sugar and manage medications
- Delay or prevent complications of diabetes
- Plan healthy meals and read food labels
- Stress Management
- And more...
Thursdays starting May 30, 2024 until July 4,2024
from 1:30pm-4pm
Online via Zoom
Free & Open to Everyone in the Community!
Registration Required.
To register please visit www.livingwellseontario.ca or contact selfmanagement@kchc.ca