
BQWCHC is committed to ensuring its programs, services and operations are accessible to persons with disabilities in a way that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. Everyone at BQWCHC – staff, volunteers, and students – share in this commitment and responsibility.


A disability, as defined by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, includes physical, mental health, developmental and learning disabilities. Disabilities come in many different forms, sometimes obvious and sometimes not. Disabilities may be visible or invisible, they may differ in severity, and the effects of a disability may be continuous or intermittent.

For example:

  • A person with a brain injury has a disability that is invisible;
  • A person with arthritis has a disability that over time may become more severe;
  • A person with multiple sclerosis has a disability that may sometimes affect daily routine and other times not.

The impact of a disability depends on the person’s ability to access services, assistive devices, transportation, education and employment.


BQWCHC is committed to excellence in serving all service users, including people with disabilities. This commitment is demonstrated in a variety of ways that are detailed below.

Customer Service

  1. Communication:

    • BQWCHC staff, volunteers and students shall communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability by asking how they can help and taking guidance from the person with whom they are communicating.
    • Information will be made available to clients in alternative formats. Please contact staff at BQWCHC or sends email) .
  2. Telephone Services:

    • Accessible telephone service is provided to service users within the scope of BQWCHC resources i.e. Relay service.
    • When communicating with clients and participants, individuals shall speak clearly and at a pace the person can understand.
    • If telephone communication is not suitable to a person’s communication needs or is not available, communication with service users can be done through secure e-mail, written means, relay services and TTY services where a TTY machine is available.
  3. Assistive Devices:

    • Staff teams are responsible for identifying the types of assistive devices their clients and participants may use while accessing BQWCHC programs or services and developing a familiarity with these devices.
  4. Use of Service Animals:

    • BQWCHC welcomes people with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal.
    • At no time shall a person with a disability who is accompanied by a service animal be prevented from having access to their service animal.
  5. Use of Support Persons:

    • BQWCHC welcomes people with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person.
    • At no time shall a person with a disability, who is accompanied by a support person, be prevented from having access to his or her support person while on our premises.
    • Support persons who participate in a program or service for the purposes of supporting a person with a disability shall not be charged a fee.
  6. Notice of Temporary Disruption:

    • In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption, BQWCHC shall provide service users with as much advance notice as is reasonable.
    • This notice shall include information about the reason for the disruption, its anticipated duration, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available.
    • The notice shall be placed on BQWCHC’s website, at all public entrances and at reception counters on BQWCHC premises. If clients/participants will not reasonably have had access to notifications through these means, personnel shall make every effort to contact them by phone or e-mail to inform them of the disruption.
  7. Training for Personnel:

    BQWCHC shall provide training to all staff, students and volunteers who deal with the public or other third parties on its behalf.

    This training shall be provided within one month of the date of hire after personnel commence their duties.

    • The following people/positions shall take lead responsibility with respect to this:
    • the hiring manager shall ensure all newly hired staff members undergo training as part of their orientation;
    • the student supervisor shall ensure all students undergo training as part of their orientation to their placement;
    • the Health Promoter or designate shall ensure all volunteers undergo training as part of their orientation to their position
    • See link to training below.

    Training shall include the following:

    • the purposes of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the Customer Service Standard;
    • how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
    • how to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or a support person;
    • how to use the TTY (if applicable for their role);
    • what to do if a person with a disability is having difficulty in accessing BQWCHC’s programs and services;
    • BQWCHC’s policy on accessible customer service.

    This training shall be accessed electronically at the following web site: Access Forward is external)

    • Staff, students and volunteers shall report completion of this training to the appropriate person within one month of their date of hire/placement.
  8. Feedback, Complaints and Questions:

    • Feedback, complaints and questions shall be addressed according to BQWCHC’s Complaint policy and procedures.
    • Please contact any BQWCHC staff member and they will assist you. Or contact sends email) .

BQWCHC AODA Multi-Year Plan

Download the plan [PDF](link is external)

AODA Compliance Report (link is external)